Virgo (August 22 – September 21)
The sixth sign of the zodiac, Virgo, is renowned for giving its bearers a tendency towards perfectionism in all that they undertake. A Virgo is a subdued observer who is analytical, self-reliant, and prone to self-criticism to the point of inaction anytime they feel they are unable to complete a task precisely. Because of this, Virgos have a reputation for being incredibly fussy and picky, paying close attention to even the smallest details in an effort to make things “exactly perfect.” Virgo’s strength stems from an instinctive interest about how things function, despite the fact that they frequently struggle to understand the larger picture. Most likely, the person you know who enjoys disassembling electronic gadgets or toys only to view their parts was born under the Virgo zodiac! They frequently wear impeccable clothing and generally display a significant interest in the newest health fads, which can occasionally result in an excessive fixation with maintaining peak physical fitness. Virgos tend to attract romantic partners who match their idealistic outlook, but they are typically reluctant to get married. However, while in a domestic union, they become incredibly considerate and devoted, going above and beyond to please friends and family. Being generally modest, Virgos thrive in jobs where they can make a lasting impact without needing to be the centre of attention. They are most at ease working in support roles. Virgos succeed in fields that benefit from their great knowledge and attention to detail, including research, finance, banking, accounting, and these.