Taurus (April 20 – May 20)
Like their animal symbol, the bull, Taurus is one of the more practical signs of the zodiac, and persons born under this sign tend to be rather slow-moving and methodical. Never underestimate your ability to develop a persistent, step-by-step strategy for ultimate achievement, though. Taureans lack flash and fire, but they do have an extraordinarily attentive nature that is supported by a steely reserve and extraordinary willpower. If not today, then eventually, you can count on the tenacious Taurus to obtain what they want. In general, Taureans are the epitome of composure and even-temperedness, but anyone who crosses paths with the hot-tempered bull usually regrets it, especially if they feel that their safety or comfort is in immediate danger. Taurus people are fundamentally lovers of creature comforts and are frequently surrounded by them, taking care of their most basic requirements for themselves and their loved ones. Their preferences are frequently traditional, and they typically rely on tried-and-true methods rather than venturing out to look for new ones. Taureans are often good bookkeepers, accountants, and bankers in their professional lives. In the arts, they make excellent craftspeople and artists who excel at complicated themes and designs. Taurus people may have distinctive or captivating speaking and singing voices because the sign rules the throat. Conversely, illnesses that are contracted typically affect the neck, causing pain or stiffness there as well as repeated sore throats and persistent thyroid conditions.