Aquarius (January 21 – February 19)
The Aquarian, the eleventh sign of the zodiac, is known for always “raging against the machine” and yearning for independence from the stuffy conventions of polite society. They are most admirable for supporting the underdog and displaying an open-minded tolerance for people from all walks of life while maintaining their objectivity and practicality. Fundamentally amiable and pleasant, Aquarians often have one of two personality types—one that is quiet and self-effacing, and the other that is outgoing and loud. They both have strong moral principles and hold firm beliefs about what is good and wrong because they adamantly reject conformity. At first glance, all Aquarians could appear distant and aloof, but once their guard is down, they can be the most creative and enjoyable friends. Aspects of the Aquarian personality profile that are unfavourable are similar to those of Scorpio, whose rage can often turn into vengeance when they believe they have been mistreated. In addition to ranting about social injustices, Aquarians can exhibit severe and hazardous eccentricity as they fully distance themselves from a reality they no longer care to comprehend. The more outspoken Aquarian is known for having a penchant for drama and could be particularly good at character acting or adept impersonation. The progressive Aquarian frequently finds that careers in teaching, medical research, social service, the arts, or any other field where they can develop society as a whole are rewarding.