Sagittarius (November 23 – December 22)
Sagittarius, the ninth sign of the zodiac, is a dynamic and adventurous “character” who tends to successfully reconcile great loyalty to loved ones with an equally powerful independent streak. Sagittarius is the ninth sign of the zodiac. Sagittarians are the most vital of the astrological signs, and they typically have robust health and long lives in addition to having a fiery mind, good humour, and quick wit. Their modus operandi is adventure, which, if overdone, may lead to catastrophe through accidents or from impulsivity or irritation with those around them. They were born under the fortunate planet of Jupiter. They can be easily enraged and are renowned for their cutting sarcasm and sharp tongue, which is a major flaw of the Sagittarian sign. However, they typically survive any social or physical setback due to their general open-heartedness and positive outlook. Sagittarians are gregarious and hospitable, and they are ready to pack their bags for any far-flung destination at the drop of a hat. They can be flamboyant and rather flirty when they are in love, but once they are married, they are passionately loyal and a pillar of hope during any difficult times. Sagittarians excel in any form of public service, teaching, exploration, travel, or the marketing or advertising industries because they are excellent communicators.